Simple Word Counter

Search Engine Optimization

Word Counter

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About Word Counter

The Importance of Minimum Word Count for SEO

Word count can be a tricky thing to get right when you’re writing web copy, because it needs to be just enough to meet the demands of your audience while not being so long that it bores them and makes them leave the page without engaging with what you have to say next. Fortunately, there are plenty of great tools out there that can help you keep your word count in check while still making sure your text is optimized for search engines, so that potential customers can find your landing page when they type in certain keywords or phrases.

Longer is Better

It’s probably obvious that a high-quality page with 500 words is more likely to rank well than a low-quality page with 2,000 words. But it's actually much worse than you think. With search engine algorithms getting more advanced and sophisticated all the time, your goal should be to create pages that are as long as possible – ideally around 2,500 or 3,000 words. Your keyword density may be lower (which is good) but you're still more likely to rank highly with such an in-depth piece of content. As I mentioned above, always incorporate your keywords naturally into your copy – and try and make sure they occur three times within every 1,000 words at least.

What Longer Copy Can Do For You

Longer pages tend to rank higher in search engines, and if that isn’t enough to convince you, there are a number of other benefits. For one thing, longer pages tend to have higher conversion rates because they’re more thorough and in-depth. When your content is optimized, it can also improve your bounce rate. Longer pages show a better Google experience in search results because they load faster and require less scrolling to see all of your content. Having a long page can make visitors feel more confident in what you have to offer because you present all of your information upfront rather than having them click through several pages until they find everything that interests them.

Check Google Search Console

Part of making sure your page is indexed properly by search engines is making sure you have a good Google Search Console account. It’s Google’s dashboard for measuring and improving your site's performance in their search results, as well as a useful tool that will help you identify problems on your site. To set up an account, simply log into Google Webmaster Tools with your webmaster username and password, then click Add a Property to verify ownership of a website. Click Crawl > Fetch as Google next to your website name. This will allow you to see if there are any errors or potential issues with how your content is being crawled and indexed by Googlebot.

Does word count Affect SEO?

Many people say that word count doesn't affect search engine optimization (SEO), but in fact, it does. A page with 300 words generally has a higher search engine ranking than a page with only 250 words. The reason is simply that more content means more text on your page, which makes your search results seem more relevant to what users are searching for. Although not all pages require 500 words, any professional blogger will tell you that having at least 300 words per post is ideal because it gives you enough space to write about your topic in detail without sacrificing readability. For bloggers who want to learn how to write well for their readership, using SEO tools can help boost traffic to their sites and improve engagement over time.

How long should content be for SEO?

Optimizing a page for search engines is an important step in creating a successful landing page, but there’s one key thing that most people forget. Simply put, you need to create content that’s optimized for humans as well as search engines. Having short paragraphs and bullet points help people scan your content quickly and decide whether or not they want to read more. And if Google has a hard time understanding what your page is about? Then you can kiss those coveted first few pages goodbye. So how long should your copy be? The general rule is 250 words on regular websites and 300 words for landing pages - but many SEO experts will tell you that it’s not as simple as longer is better when it comes to content length.


The number of words used on a page is an important consideration when writing content. It's not just about quantity, however, but also about quality. Having too few words can mean that search engines won't pick up on your page easily. Use these tools to figure out exactly how many words you need for optimal search engine optimization (SEO).