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Backlinks and SEO: What You Should Know

Backlinks, along with content, make up the most important factors that influence how well your webpages perform in search engine results pages (SERPs). If that tells you anything, it should be that backlinks are super-important and should be treated so. The question then becomes how do you create backlinks? What are the best tools to use to optimize your backlinks? There are many options available to you as an SEO expert, but here are 3 tools that I’ve found to be the most effective.

Importance of SEO Tools

SEO Tools are a set of tools to help you perform effective SEO. When it comes to backlink research, as well as other forms of link building, doing some prior planning can save you from wasting your time on dead ends. That’s where SEO tools come in. Whether you use a free online tool or prefer a paid option, they can give you valuable insight into what works, and more importantly what doesn’t work when it comes to generating backlinks.

How Important is Getting Backlinks?

If your site doesn’t have backlinks, you can’t expect it to rank well. That’s just how search engines work—without backlinks, you don’t get SERPs. On top of that, having lots of high-quality backlinks will also help push your page up in rank. The best way to get these is to optimize your pages for SEO before even thinking about publishing them anywhere online. Once you publish content that people want to link to, they will eventually find it organically. More likely than not, though, without even realizing they are doing so.

Things to Keep in Mind While Link Building

There are a few things you should keep in mind when trying to build backlinks for your website. 1) Your backlink-building strategy should be part of a comprehensive SEO plan, not a standalone tactic. 2) When possible, include your anchor text in anchor text-friendly areas on your site. For example, if you want to get a link from a relevant news site, don't put it in an obscure area where users wouldn't click on it anyway. 3) Be cautious about building out large numbers of links before getting feedback from Google; they may push down your rankings temporarily or even remove them entirely if they consider them spammy or manipulative.

View Competitor's backlinks

Backlinks serve as votes of confidence in your webpages, giving search engines confirmation that your pages are valuable to users. Backlinks to your pages act as votes of confidence. The more votes you have, the better off you'll be in terms of SERPs. However, just like voting for one candidate instead of another doesn't mean that candidate will win an election (spoiler alert! they won't), simply gaining backlinks isn't enough; it's equally important to choose high-quality sites for those backlinks . This is where seo tools come into play.


Search engines use various techniques to determine a page’s rank in search results. Backlinks are one of these factors, along with content and user behavior. By leveraging backlink strategies effectively, you can increase traffic from search engines for your website. In fact, one study found that 84% of all Google searches resulted in clicks on links from other websites. In other words, getting more backlinks helps you get more traffic from search engine users – who use Google as their primary search engine by a large margin (over 70%). Read on to find out why backlinks are important for SEO and how to leverage them effectively.


Backlinks can directly affect how your website performs in search engine results pages (SERPs). While you want to be careful about too many backlinks, generally more is better. It’s important to not just focus on quantity, but to keep an eye on where your backlinks are coming from as well. Links from spammy or low-quality websites can actually hurt your rankings rather than help them.